
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My dad's death & "Heaven is for Real"

Our friend Marta told me that I just have to read this book called "Heaven is for Real". She gave me one of the many books that she bought to give to others so they could read this amazing book. The only stipulation was that we had to give to someone else to read after we were done reading it. The small book is one of those books that you always want to find out what happens next so you just keep reading it and before you know it you're done with the book. While reading "Heaven is for Real" I often thought of my dad when he died. For about 5 days he was definitely getting worse from the cancer that was ravaging his body! Then finally one night he slowed down a little in his breathing and heart rate. That night was one of the worst and most awesome nights of my life. Of course I didn't want my dad to leave me and this world. I loved him so much and he was definitely one that was always cheering me on in life. It just seemed like he wouldn't quite let go of this world. Finally I said those words that I've heard that others have spoken to their loved ones that were suffering. I said "it's ok dad, just go to Jesus now. We'll be ok and you need to be with Him now." He loves you! I interrupted those kinds of words with the 23rd Psalm put to a tune that Pam made up as she taught our girls to memorize that Psalm for the Awana children's ministry. Then I sang Amazing Grace. I could actually sing it too. Usually I would just choke up and cry, but the presence of the Lord was strong there and unbelievably I didn't fear losing my dad. I knew it needed to happen and I wanted him to be reassured that Jesus was on the other side of this life waiting for him! Then while as I was recently reading "Heaven is for Real" that story of my dad's passing came to life in my mind. I imagined him seeing Jesus and the pain in his body would longer rule him. He would have a new body. He would see his mom again. My grandma was the one who prayed for me for many years with her friends from church. My dad would also see my brother Les who passed away at age 38. He too would be there no longer in pain, because he also died of cancer. My dad used to love to tell me stories of what things were like at some time in his life. He usually told me multiple times and I can just imagine how he's going to tell me about his experience of seeing Jesus and heaven! Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Reading this book makes me excited to know that what I'm doing here on earth counts and makes a difference when I do it for Jesus! If you haven't read "Heaven is for Real", I highly recommend it. When you're done reading it give it to someone to read and tell them "pass it on to someone when you're done reading it"

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Check out these videos.  One is a pregnant mom's flash mob and the other is a dumb song!

We love our moms oh yes we do!