
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sword of the Spirit

The Sword of the Spirit

     The picture above is probably closer to the type of sword that the Romans used so effectively than the large swords that we commonly see.  They learned that a shorter sword was better in close combat than the long sword.  They probably learned it from the Spanish mercenaries.  During that time any wound could be fatal and when the short sword was used in close range by a skilled soldier it was a deadly weapon.  Spiritually speaking the Bible which is God's word can be a strong weapon in our lives.  If Christ is in our lives then God lives in us by His Spirit (Ephesians 2:22).  If we don't take time to learn God's word and how we can use it, then it's like owning a sword, talking about it, but never knowing how to really use it. 
     This April month I'm encouraging everyone to read through the book of Matthew in the Bible.  That way we can read through the life of Christ.  Easter is at the end of the month so the timing is really good.  Youth & Parents I strongly suggest that we all dive into the book of Matthew today!  Read it separately or together or some of both.  Go For It!

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