
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Unbelievable!...... or is it?

So the Eternity drama is over here at First Baptist in Champaign.  People are still talking to us a lot about it. I even heard some in town say that they really wanted to come, but couldn't. When we first talked about hosting Eternity I would tell people that we were going to do 5 shows and they told me we wouldn't have many people come for 5 shows.  Sometimes I had faith that many people would come and sometimes I gave in and believed that not many would come to the show.  There were over 2,200 people that came out to the shows.  I heard some people say it was unbelievable how many people came out and it was unbelievable that this effort could have the impact that it had.  One e-mail that I recieved said that "it was unbelievable or should it be believable!"  I think he was right, because if we truly believe that the Lord can do amazing things beyond what our little minds can imagine then this is no problem imagining the Lord touching many lives.  This last Tuesday we held a prayer & praise time to celebrate.  People shared stories for over one hour and fifteen minutes of how God had worked in thier lives and the lives of others.  I had to move us to prayer otherwise I think people could have shared stories for another hour or so.  It was believable, because we serve the Mighty Awesome Lord! 

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