
Monday, April 25, 2011

Maybe the most important movie of all time!

I still remember the feelings I had the first time I watched "The Passion of the Christ" movie by Mel Gibson.
I'm the type of the person that likes to see just what Jesus went through for me!  The beatings, whippings, insults and injustice that he endured were well shown in this movie.  The thing that grabbed me was his determination to do His Father's Will no matter what people would do to Him!  It makes me want to have that kind of sacrificial mindset for me and the rest of my life!  I can give up whatever the Lord wants me to give up in order to do His Will!  On TBN they showed something called "Changed Lives".  They showed interviews of people's lives who were changed by that movie.  It was incredible to hear the stories.  I would encourage everyone to watch "The Passion of the Christ" movie soon!  It will help move you to live your life for Jesus!

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