
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Praying through the armor & reading Matthew

Try praying through the armor of God
Belt of Truth - I put on the belt of truth, because I trust in Jesus as the way, the truth and the life.
Thank you for letting me know the truth and for setting me free by knowing you.

Breastplate of Righteousness - Thank you for giving me the righteousness that is found in Christ Jesus.  Thank you for making me right in my relationship with YOU!  Help me to live my life in the right way which is doing YOUR WILL for my life.

Shoes of Readiness & Peace - I put on the shoes of the gospel so that others can know YOU!  Help me to share Jesus with and invite people to spend eternity with YOU!  Thank you for giving me the peace that passes our understanding!

Shield of Faith - I take up the shield of faith.  Thank you for the power of faith in Christ!  I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!  Give me the faith to do YOUR WILL for me in my life!

Helmet of Salvation - I put on the helmet of salvation, because Jesus is my Savior!   You have delivered me through Jesus and his sacrifice!  Thank you for the power of God in my life!
Sword of the Spirit - I will take up the sword of the Spirit which is YOUR HOLY WORD!   Thank you for living in me and giving me the living word of God (Bible)!  Mold me into the image of Christ through Your Word!

Start Reading the book of Matthew this month!  Read through Jesus life in the book of Matthew.
Start today if you haven't already! 

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