
Monday, April 18, 2011

What's more important than this?

Last night at 24/7, we had a time where students and youth leaders told the group what they experienced during the Eternity outreach.  It was one of the best testimony times I've heard in a looooooooooooong time!  Youth talked about how they experienced God's power working through them, since they had so little time to prepare for their role in the play.  They knew that it had to be God using them to reach people.  I often get asked if some of the actors are from New York and people are amazed when I tell them that they from here in our church.  Other youth talked about how much the time together in fellowship meant to them.

Just being together and encouraging each other meant more than they thought it would.  One of our youth leaders told the story about Pam leaving a voicemail on his phone thanking him for helping set up this cross scene where 34 children placed their trust in Christ.  He remembered thinking that he didn't have the time, but he helped anyway.  Without his help we wouldn't have gotten hat scene up.  Now he can't remember what he was worried about, but he does remember that 34 kids came to Christ!  He asked us what's more important, having to do something else that you won't remember or helping people come to know Christ like we did through Eternity?

1 comment:

  1. It was great to see so many of our young people involved this year. Their special scene was great and moved a lot of people.
    Thanks to all who let God use them in this wonderful work.
